Sunday 17 July 2016

Tuesday's Second Task

Goal Setting

When looking at my goal sheet my three main goals include getting a degree in psychology,stay healthy and remember to relax and help people. The way I am going to achieve the first goal is to graduate high school with an OP and then go to an university and complete a psychology degree. The second goal I  will achieve by eating healthy and exercising regularly and remember to relax when I am stressed. The third goal will done through my job as well as in general by helping people when they need it. I think this activity has narrowed down what I want to do my life a little bit and helped to see I could possibly get there. I believe my education goals tie in with my career path. I believe that the board will appear in my mind as a reminder for what I want for the future. 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Tuesday's Third Task 

Qualification and Pathway Exploration 


The reason why psychology interests me is I like helping people and mental health is something that I feel strong about. It also interests me to see how they diagnosis the issue and side effects and symptoms that can displayed in the individual. It fits extremely well with my personality traits, in previous task that was the personality quizzes I got helping as my result in the Job Outlook Career quiz and mediator in the 16 Personality quiz which suggests counselling or psychology as a career. This job will not vanish from the working world in future years it is in the top of the industries that will grow by 2025. The pathway is a psychology degree at a university that will take 4 years to complete. The specific university course I want to complete is Psychology with Honours at Griffith University. The prerequisite that is necessary is English and OP I have to get is an OP 9. The way i can best prepare myself for that occupation is do the subjects that are necessary for the degree as well as ones that can help with that degree. The subject that is necessary is English. 


It interests me because I enjoy helping people and natural and herbal medicine interests me. It does relate my personality traits in the previous it states that I like helping people and might enjoy nature and natural and organic things. It is risky to enter this occupation because not everyone wants herbal and natural remedies and prefer medicine prescribed by general practitioners. My pathway would include completing a naturopathy course. The way i can prepare is by doing science, mathematics and English. The specific course I have complete is a bachelor of health science at QUT University. The OP that is required is an OP 7. The prerequisites that are required English, Biology & Mathematics A, B or C.  

Tuesday's First Task

Career Exploration and Trends  
What I found the most interesting was that schools are preparing us for jobs that don't even exist yet.I believe I have to improve my information technology and computer skills. I could take up the subject information and technology or take a computer skills course in university. That we have lost 250 000 tradies, 400 000 labourers and 100 000 machine workers in the past 25 years. I find this the shocking because tradies and labourers are such a big part of Australian culture. I wasn't surprised by the top three growth industries I always thought that these jobs would be in supply. Health care and social assistance interests me because I want to be a psychologist. The job that interest me in the top vocational and trade jobs is child carers and in the top tertiary qualified jobs the job that interests me is CEO and managing directors. I found this session motivating because it good to know for possible career possibilities.  

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Monday's Task 

Quiz Results 

16 Type Personality Test

Result: The Mediator 
I think the outcome of the result was correct and accurate. The reason behind that is I display characteristics that they provided quite frequently. My strengths are that I am creative and a idealist however this can lead to me having my head stuck in the clouds. The roles/careers the information indicates that best suited for me was creative industries or business marketing and advertisement. I would recommend this quiz I found it is accurate and results provide a lot of information. 
Job Outlook Career Quiz 
Result: Helping 
I believe the outcome was accurate because I truly like helping people. Career that would benefit and suit was social science for example psychology. That is what I want to do so I am happy with that answer.I would recommend this quiz to a friend. 
VIA Character Strengths 
I believe it is accurate because I show those qualities. I believe a good career for those qualities would  be clinical psychology once again. I would personal recommend this to friend because I believe it helps very much.